Science & Laboratories
Our approach to designing science and laboratory spaces is centered around functionality, flexibility, and efficiency.
We recognise that these spaces must be able to adapt to the evolving needs of the scientific community and that the equipment and instrumentation used can vary widely from one project to another.
To address these challenges, our team has a deep understanding of laboratory design principles and the specific requirements of different scientific disciplines. This knowledge allows us to design laboratory spaces that are not only functional and efficient but also adaptable to changing requirements.
We understand the importance of ventilation and air quality in science and laboratory spaces, therefore prioritise our own knowledge, but recognise the importance of collaborating with project engineers.
Our team is well-versed in the latest guidelines and regulations governing laboratory ventilation and we understand the importance of maintaining a clean and safe environment. To this end, we design ventilation systems that provide an adequate supply of fresh air and minimise the risk of contamination. We also work with our clients to select appropriate finishes and materials that meet the strict standards required in the sector.
We work closely with all stakeholders, including scientists, researchers, building managers, and regulatory bodies, to ensure that everyone is aligned and that project goals are met. We recognise that the needs of different stakeholders in the science and laboratory sector can often be conflicting, so we work collaboratively to find solutions that meet everyone's requirements, while delivering an optimal design solution. Through our collaborative approach, we aim to deliver spaces that enable research and experimentation to be carried out safely, efficiently, and with precision.
Science & Laboratories
Auckland, New Zealand
Year Completed

Science & Laboratories
Auckland, New Zealand
Year Completed

Science & Laboratories
Wallaceville, New Zealand
Year Completed

The multi-purpose building is a place of reception and collaboration for the National Centre for Biosecurity and Infectious Diseases as well as the larger scientific community. The building contains a formal reception area, café, administration offices and multi-purpose rooms for meetings, seminars and functions.